Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home Farming Tips Why Chicken Peck, Eat Eggs

Why Chicken Peck, Eat Eggs

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Umar Nsubuga

Farmers generally prefer exotic egg laying birds because of their high productivity. Once they start laying, a farmer expects an egg almost every day.

Therefore, it becomes a point of concern when the birds, for one reason or another, fail to meet the farmers’ expectations.

If not looked after properly, the number of eggs layers produce will reduce. Increased egg production can only be realised if the cause of the decline is rectified.

Kenneth Kabagambe, a famous poultry farmer in Nyabugorogoro village, Kyenjojo district says low egg production is sometimes a consequence of underfeeding the birds, causing nutrition deficiencies.

“Feeds that lack enough calcium make the egg shells soft, making it easy for the birds to crack and eat them,” he says.

Kabagambe says at least 10% of feeds for layers should be calcium.

He adds that if the bird’s beaks are very sharp, they can easily prick the egg shell and eat the eggs.

Kabagambe also observes that some farmers sometimes fail to prepare their birds’ laying nests well, which makes the birds get easy access to the eggs.

In addition, when a bird is laying an egg, the opening where the egg comes from turns red, attracting other birds.

So, instead of pricking the red opening, they end up pecking the egg, which is soft when it has just been laid. Therefore, farmers should organise dark places for birds to lay eggs so that the non-laying birds do not see them.

Kabagambe adds that loss of eggs also occurs when birds crowd in a small laying nest. As a result, they peck the eggs and eat them.

Samuel Oyo another chicken farmer says birds have a habit of pecking every thing new that they come across.

He says protein deficiency sometimes makes them eat their own eggs.

However, Oyo says sometimes it is just a habit that birds develop even though they are fed.

“Eggs have a silver surface that attracts birds. So, they end up pecking them”, he says.

How to cope

-Birds should be debeaked in order to reduce the number of losses

-Farmers should always add shells to poultry feeds to increase calcium which boosts egg production.

-Ensure that the shells are of high quality because some contain soil which might affect production.

-Minimise losses, Oyo advises farmers top provide enough laying nests to avoid crowding and to frequently pick the eggs.

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