Greens are supplements to the main feeds. They among other benefits offer iron and roughage to the chicken.
They help improve digestion and offer medicinal elements, especially against simple ailments like coughs. Several greens can be fed to poultry.
These include; omululuza (Vermonia amygdalina), which is a bitter shrub that is common in Uganda, ssere (black jack), which is also common in plantations in Uganda, kafumbe, ddodo, cabbage leaves, akabombo, ebbombo, paw paw leaves, kisanda.
All these can be got from your farm. If you have enough greens, you can you’re your chicks at least twice a week.
However, do not feed the following leaves to poultry because they are poisonous; amaduudu, kayongo, fresh cassava leaves, fresh sweet potato leaves, tobacco leaves, ssettala, sunflower leaves, Irish potato leaves, tomato leaves, kawunyira and essunsa.