Friday, March 14, 2025
Home Q & A What Are The Common Avocado Pests, Diseases And Their Control?

What Are The Common Avocado Pests, Diseases And Their Control?

by admin

The most efficient and economical method of pest and disease control is prevention. These preventive measures include weed control, proper selection of planting material, maintaining optimum plant density and proper fertiliser application.

Avocado production is not considerably affected by pests and rarely will pest control require a chemical application. However, some of the major pests attacking avocados include;

False codling moth which is a brownish, night-flying moth, thrips and scale insects


Fungal diseases may also affect avocados and therefore need to be checked. They include;

Root Rot

Also known as Phytophthora cinnamomi, it is mostly found in areas with poorly drained soils and flood prone areas. Some of the preventive measures include fungal and hot water treatment of seeds and grafting on phytophthora resistant rootstock. There are two chemicals registered to combat this disease not for organic farming i.e. Ridomil, active ingredient Metalaxyl, is a granular formulation which is applied in the soil, and works by killing the pathogen. Aliette, the second chemical is applied onto the leaves.


It’s also called Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. It attacks the fruits, forming dry, dark brown  sports.  It  mostly  attacks  mature  fruits.  It  is  controlled  using  copper  based fungicides as well as spraying with chemicals such as Benomyl, Mancozeb, Metiram, Propineb, Thiabendazole or Triforine

  Cercospora Fruit Spot 

This is also called Pseudocercospora purpurea also affects the fruits leaving small, light yellow spots which eventually turn to a brownish color on leaves and fruits. It’s controlled using similar methods to Anthracnose.


It attacks fruits, twigs, and leaves. Lesions emerge as little dark spots a little raised and are oval or elongated. It’s controlled using similar methods to Anthracnose.

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