Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home Farming Tips Watch Out For Wet Season Diseases

Watch Out For Wet Season Diseases

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Joshua Kato

The second season rains are underway. For farmers, this is both a blessing and a curse in some aspects. It is a blessing because planting for the new season is soon underway.

Those keeping animals will have pasture for them since rains help the grass grow.

They will also harvest water and use it for their flock. On the other hand, rains come with diseases. There is a reported outbreak of lumpy skin disease in parts of western Uganda. This is one of the results of the wet season.

Mastitis which commonly affects cows also tends to attack during wet seasons. The infection spreads through the udder as the cows lay down on wet, dirty surfaces. This means that make sure the areas where your cows lay are clean.

Livestock is also affected by bloat, diarrhoea thanks to eating too much fresh/young grasses. Goats suffer from rotting hooves etc. You, therefore, need to look out for these and more wet season diseases and prepare accordingly.

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