Saturday, October 5, 2024
Home Farming Tips Treat Your Cows Well To Boost Milk Production

Treat Your Cows Well To Boost Milk Production

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Umar Nsubuga

Dairy farmers are usually at a loss when their cows reduce milk production without warning. Various attempts to increase milk production usually fail.

The less the milk produced the more expensive it becomes to look after your animals. It is essential to take note of certain factors.

Kenneth Kabagambe, a dairy farmer and resident of Nyabugorogoro village, Kyenjojo district says when cows are consistently well treated, they give a good yield, it’s important to cultivate a friendly relationship with your animals.

“Various farm activities should be timed to take place at the same time daily. Ensure that there is a provision in the daily record for the timing of every animal,” he says.

Muhammad Kiyemba, a veterinary doctor says a separate daily record book should be maintained for the same purpose, in addition to keeping track of the milking capacity, it is necessary to feed your animals at regular intervals.

“Where zero grazing is practised, the feed can be regulated and varied. A sudden change in the amount and type of feed can cause changes in the quantity of milk,” Kiyemba explains.

Changing the time also affects the quantity of milk. It is common for farmers to buy good-yielding animals from big farms.

However, they are sometimes shocked when the supposed wonder animal fails to give a large output at their small farms.

According to Kabagambe, the reduction is often caused by the sudden change of environment, because cows are sensitive to a change in lifestyle, they are often negatively affected by a choange in place of abode.

For instance, if the animal was used to grazing in paddocks and is transferred to zero grazing, the animals may develop stress and reduce in milk output.

Kiyemba says the most common cause of milk reduction is stress. Stress in the animal may develop for several reasons.

“Try not to change the person milking, haphazardly. Cows tend to develop a special relationship with people who treat them well, deworm your cows regularly,” he says.

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