Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home Farming Tips Tips On Proper Crop Harvest

Tips On Proper Crop Harvest

by admin


In order to determine the right period, it is advisable for harvesting to take place when the pods are at 75% maturity. The inside of a mature pod is brown or black while the immature ones remain white. The cellular layer (mesocarp) changes in colour from white to yellow, to orange to brown and finally black. Farmers should harvest crops and plants in time because delaying harvesting leads to the sprouting of the already mature seed, creating an entry fungus. This is because groundnuts do not mature at the same time.


Onions take three to four months to mature, depending on the variety. To know that they are ready for harvesting, the leaves drop and seem to wither, while the bulbs become exposed above the soil.

Onions are pulled out of the ground by hand and sun dried. One then has to store them in a cool, dry well ventilated place. They can last for as long as six months. However, if it is processed into powder, it can last for between 12 and 20 months. Current onion prices range from sh3,000-sh4,000 per kilogramme depending on the market. However, prices usually drop during peak harvest.


Like most vegetables, cabbages take 3-4 months to mature. During this period, the head becomes firm and fully formed weighing between 4.5 and 5kg. Harvest as soon as possible to avoid cracking of the heads. Carry four wrapper leaves to keep cabbage fresh in the market.

Proper care for the heads is important to avoid bruises. Cabbages are perishables. They must either be kept in a cold storage facility or put on the market immediately. At the moment, prices range from sh1,000 to sh1,500 each. However, they may drop slightly in June as the harvest season reaches the peak.

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