Sunday, March 16, 2025
Home Farming Tips Rabbits Can Supplement Your Income 

Rabbits Can Supplement Your Income 

by Wangah Wanyama

By Rosemary Tukundane 

Back in the day, rabbits lived in the bush and were hunting trophies for small boys but now, rabbits are tamed in our homes for money. 

Rev Patrick Ddambya, the managing director Ddambya Enterprises in Lukuli village, Karambi town council off Kampala Entebbe express highway chose rabbit farming to supplement his priesthood. 

He started rabbit farming because he didn’t want to spend long in public service and farming is his back born since his father was a peasant farmer. 

Dambya said that he keeps rabbits till four months and sells them off. 

“Selling rabbit meat is easy, 1 kg is sh20,000-25,000 depending on where you have bought it. Restaurants pay sh30,000,” he says. 

He added that one should sell off some kids for breeding and fur is used to make bags, belts and shoes. 

“I also sell of manure as rabbit droppings and urine that serves as a pesticide,” he continued 

Ddambya added that schools and science institutes are good customers. 

“I also give advice to fellow farmers and get knowledge of making rabbit accessories like wire mesh and specialize in building cages” he added 

Requirements of starting a rabbit farming project 

  • Research, a farmer must make research about they are they going to start to get enough knowledge 
  • Business plan, enough money to start the business till the time of selling off. 
  • Land, rabbit farming can be done on a small piece of land but farmers who do this for business need enough land for expansion. 
  • Select a good location for your lands. Should have access to the road, fresh water and veterinarian services in case of an emergency. 

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