By Prossy Nandudu
Fishers can now increase the value of fish using the modern fish smoking kiln.
The kiln that uses charcoal and is made from food grade machinery can smoke up to 500kgs of fish at ago.
Because it doesn’t use firewood chances of cancer causing elements found in smoke from fire wood accessing fish are minimized.
According to Eng Walozi Ronald from the Agriculture Engineering and Appropriate Technology Research Center , using modern Kiln women who mainly smoke fish are protected burns they include while smoking fish using firewood.
The kiln has been deployed in the fishing areas of Kiyindi and Katosi to assist the women fish traders smoke more fish in a short time,using less fuel but also in a short time.
For fish to be ready,using the modern kiln ,it takes 12 hours while using other means like firewood, it takes about 24 hours or more to dry fish, added Walozi.