By Umar Nsubuga
Alice Namusisi, a resident of Kanyanya who rears layers says her brids keep pecking each other’s feathers.
“I have tried to reduce crowding, as advised by the veterinary doctor, but this has not helped. Other farmers tell me I bought the wrong breed,” she says.
Peter Mubiru, a veterinary doctor says the tendency of pecking feathers is not restricted to any breed. The consequences can be bad. It begins with feather pulling and then pecking the flesh. At this point, more birds are attracted to peck and this may go on until the victim dies.
He says one method is not enough to stop the birds from pecking others. You need to apply several methods at the same time. First, you need to ensure that the birds are not overcrowded in the poultry house.
“Then you have to feed them on a balanced diet and give them the right amount of feed. Provide enough feeding and watering space. Trim their beaks at day-old and again at six weeks,” he advises.

He adds that a farmer needs to place some green vegetables in the poultry house, this will keep them busy and at the same time provide them with vitamin A.
“Make the room nearly dark, the brighter the room, the more active the birds are, and if any bird is pecked, remove it before it attracts larger numbers,” he advises.
Whereas all breeds and strains of poultry can tend to peck others, some are better than others.