Making manure from dung involves excavating a six-feet by 10 deep feet square pit.
One is supposed to collect dung from the animal shelter and deposit it in the pit. For a farmer with two or three animals, it would take a week to fill the pit with dung.
However, for a farmer with a herd of 10 to 20 animals it would take a day as he/she will always have an abundant supply of dung at his disposal.
Among other things supplemented in the dung, are decomposing solid waste and certain wild plants.
Soil is also added to the mixture, as well as ash. Soil is added to increase the volume of the manure. Ash is a vital ingredient in this process as it acts as a catalyst thus expediting the process.
A farmer then manually mixes the ingredients of solid organic manure using a spade. Water is then added to the mixture, before it is buried in a pit with soil. It is then left for three months in the pit.
By the end of three months, what was buried will have turned into fine fertile black soil.