Sunday, March 16, 2025
Home Agribusiness How To Get The Best Out Of Chicken

How To Get The Best Out Of Chicken

by Jacquiline Nakandi

Prospective poultry farmers are advised not to join the enterprise out of excitement, but after adequate preparation.

Chicken require constant observation from the first day.

You cannot practise poultry farming or animal husbandry when you have nobody to take care of them. These birds or piglets are like human beings.

Members of the working class intending to venture into poultry farming should have reliable attendants ready to work full-time at the farm.

Poultry farming should be practised as a real business enterprise.

The mistake most people make is to divert profits from the business to other unplanned projects. Consistency in supplies is crucial in customer satisfaction.

As such, if one is keeping layers, they should be kept in phases, such that as one stock matures, another one is brought in to keep the cycle continuous. This also saves the farmer from incurring big losses in case of disease outbreaks.

Site location

Poultry needs to be kept in an open area near a home, away from the bushes for proper supervision. Since they take a lot of water, it is important that the water source is not very far.


Chicken houses should be well ventilated to allow easy flow of fresh air and proper sanitation. Stagnant water should not be left in the house.

The houses should also have raised wooden platforms for the chicken to exercise or climb on. The laying boxes must be well-cleaned to prevent pests and diseases from attacking the chicken.

The chicken houses should not be accessed by everybody to avoid germs or bringing in infections from elsewhere.

Carcasses of dead chicken should be properly disposed of by burning or burying.

A farmer should also be alert to snakes, wild animals and dangerous insects that may attack the chicken.

Planting onions or tobacco around the chicken house are good control measures.

The farmer should also guard against excessive dust and moisture as these conditions are conducive to the breeding of dangerous organisms that may cause respiratory problems for the chicken. The sick chicken should be isolated and treated.

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Kalegete Ivan William November 6, 2023 - 8:14 pm

Thank you for the educative document

Jacquiline Nakandi November 7, 2023 - 12:44 pm

You are welcome. We shall continue to serve you.


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