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Home Farming Tips How To Benefit From Pineapple Growing

How To Benefit From Pineapple Growing

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Umar Nsubuga

Pineapple farming can be a highly profitable venture, but to truly benefit from it, farmers need to approach the business with careful planning, consistent effort, and a willingness to adopt best practices.

Hassan Serwadda, a resident of Nsiima Salaam Nazigo trading centre in Kayunga District, is a commercial farmer who grows mainly pineapples.

He says, if you want to become a commercial farmer the first step is choosing land that has the right conditions, preferably loamy soil with good drainage to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot.

He says pineapples need plenty of sunlight, so selecting a location with ample light is crucial for maximum yield.

Muhammad Malinga, an agronomist says the foundation of any successful farm lies in its planting material.

Pineapples should be planted with proper spacing. Photos by Umar Nsubuga

“To benefit from pineapple farming, a farmer should invest in high-quality, disease-resistant pineapple suckers or crowns,” he advises.

There are different varieties of pineapples such as Smooth Cayenne or MD2, each with its own market preferences. He says selecting the right variety is key to meeting market demand and achieving better prices.

Proper land preparation

Malinga says before planting, the land must be properly prepared to ensure healthy crop growth. This includes clearing the land, loosening the soil, and applying organic manure or compost to improve soil fertility.

“Pineapples grow best when planted in ridges, which also help with drainage during heavy rains,” he says.

Planting and care

Pineapples should be planted with proper spacing. Malinga says usually about 30 cm between plants and 60 cm between rows. Overcrowding can limit growth and reduce the quality of the fruits.

“Consistent watering, especially during dry seasons is essential for healthy pineapples. Drip irrigation is ideal as it conserves water while delivering moisture directly to the roots,” he explains.

Sarah Nalule, another farmer based in Bbale says regular weeding is necessary to prevent competition for nutrients.

She adds that pineapples are prone to pests such as mealybugs and diseases like pineapple wilt, so farmers need to use organic or chemical pest control methods when needed.

Nutrient management

To maximise yields, Malinga says farmers need to apply the right number of fertilisers at the right time.

He says pineapples are heavy feeders, and a balanced application of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium will ensure healthy plant development. Organic fertilisers like compost or animal manure also help improve soil fertility and promote healthier crops.

Harvesting at the right time

Timing is critical for pineapple harvesting. The fruit should be harvested when it reaches its optimal ripeness for the market it is targeting, he says.

“For fresh fruit, farmers harvest when the fruit turns yellow, while for juicing or processing, pineapples can be harvested slightly earlier,” he states.

Post-harvest handling

Proper handling after harvest is essential to maintain the quality of the pineapples and reduce losses.

According to Malinga, pineapples should be handled with care to avoid bruising, as damaged fruits are less appealing to buyers. Access to cold storage or transportation facilities also helps preserve freshness, especially when selling to distant markets.

Value addition

Malinga says transforming pineapples into value-added products such as pineapple juice, dried pineapples, or jams can significantly increase profit margins. This also helps extend the shelf life of the produce.

 Training and knowledge

“Farmers who benefit the most from pineapple farming are those who stay informed about the latest agricultural practices and innovations,” he says adding that participating in agricultural workshops, networking with other successful farmers, and working with agricultural extension officers all help improve farming techniques.

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