Thursday, September 19, 2024
Home Farming Tips How Set Up A Hatchery

How Set Up A Hatchery

by Jacquiline Nakandi

Among the key considerations required for an ideal site for a hatchery is reliability of water.

There should be a natural water source reliable in the vicinity that hardly dries come rain or shine, because fish farming exclusively relies on water.

There should be infrastructure in form of slub tanks for innumerable purposes ranging from quality control and scrutiny of species varieties.

For commercial purposes, one has to excavate numerous ponds where pilot projects can be rolled out.

There should a fulltime labour force to monitor the growth progress of the species.

All species of fish are too fragile, particularly from fish fries to fingerling stage. Temperature must also be regulated.

In the event that the site is endowed with an ideal water temperature, the proprietor of a hatchery would be compelled to improvise a way water used in the breeding exercise has to be brought down to the said temperature.

A prospective hatchery proprietor ought to set aside about sh100m for the construction of the entire infrastructure.

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