By Joshua Kato
Onions take just about two months to mature from the day of planting. Spring and tuber onions are conducive for sack, bucket or any closed, small space gardening. They grow faster because they mature within 20-30 days. The ones with bulbs mature within 75-90 days. To get the best harvest from the bulb onions, and make them grow big, you need to give them fertilizers. When planted in planting bags or even concrete troughs or buckets, ten plants can sustain a family through several weeks.
Cabbage also command a high price during the dry season as it becomes the source for many households. Cabbage goes for up to sh2,500 each at the moment. In an urban setting, you can grow cabbages in sack gardens or in individual planting bags. All you need is filling the bags with fertile black soils, acquiring seedlings from places like Kyanja, then you plant.