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Home News Govt To Support Meat Value Addition For Export

Govt To Support Meat Value Addition For Export

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Aloysious Kasoma

The state minister for investment and privatisation, Evelyn Anite, has pledged that the Government will support Rancher’s Finest, a meat processing company, by providing land and tax holiday incentives to boost their production capacity.

During her visit to the facility in Bwaise, Kawempe division in Kampala last week, Anite emphasised the company’s potential for large-scale production and value addition across various agricultural products, including dairy, beef, piggery and poultry.

The minister commended Rancher’s Finest for its value addition efforts for exports and job creation, which have improved the economic welfare of many Ugandans.

“I congratulate them for creating 195 jobs and for their commitment to backward integration. It’s exciting to see our meat and poultry products being exported to markets like the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan, with plans to expand into Egypt and the UAE,” she said.

Anite also urged the company to continue promoting the Buy Uganda Build Uganda policy and promised to collaborate with government agencies to address any challenges.

She argued that the meat processing plant aligns with President Yoweri Museveni’s vision of adding value to Ugandan agricultural products before export.

“What I have witnessed here leaves no doubt that this factory will significantly boost our country’s exports. We all recall four years ago when President Museveni visited Britain, where the then prime minister, Boris Johnson, offered a platform for Ugandans. I assure you that President Museveni will commission this factory. It is just a matter of time,” she said.

Commenting on the challenges faced by the factory in obtaining international certification, the minister promised to work with the Muslim leadership and other stakeholders to secure the international Halal certification, enabling Rancher’s Finest to tap into global market opportunities.

Facility plans

Collins Muyanja, the chief executive officer of Rancher’s Finest, informed the minister that their investment is valued at sh185b, with a daily output of 10 to 15 tones. Last year alone, the company paid sh1.6b in taxes.

“We employ 195 Ugandans directly and have created over 2,000 jobs indirectly, primarily for youth and women. We have 100 distributors, serve 120 institutions and maintain over 500 touch points,” he said.

Muyanja expressed gratitude to the minister for her visit and assured her that once the identified challenges are resolved, the company will increase productivity, further expanding employment opportunities and enhancing the country’s tax base.

Recently, Rancher’s Finest announced plans to create over 3,000 jobs for youth and women through its value chain franchise distribution channels.

The $4m (about sh14.8b) facility has already made significant progress in exporting to South Sudan, Tanzania, and DR Congo.

Muyanja highlighted the company’s commitment to expanding its market while promoting socio-economic development by empowering marginalised groups including youth and women, through employment opportunities.

“We have invested over $4m in this world-class processing facility. Our kiosk franchise and distribution expansion are expected to create new opportunities for over 3,000 youth and women in the value chain, including distribution teams and roadside and street vendors,” he said.

Muyanja said there is significant demand for beef in the region, and the company plans to roll out the first 20 franchise mobile points within the next three months.

“If we had value chain access across the entire country, we could supply the entire region due to the high demand for quality beef,” he added.

LEAD PHOTO CAPTION: Minister Anite (fourth-right) during her visit to Rancher’s Finest plant in Kawempe, Kampala on Thursday. Photo by Aloysious Kasoma

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