Monday, September 16, 2024
Home News Govt Starts One Million Nucleus Palm Oil Nursery Bed In Kyotera 

Govt Starts One Million Nucleus Palm Oil Nursery Bed In Kyotera 

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Dismus Buregyeya    

Sangobay oil palm in Kakuuto sub-county, Kyotera district has rolled out one of the biggest oil palm nucleus nursery bed which will create over 20,000 job opportunities.

The program under the Ministry of Agriculture is operating on 22,000 hectares of land allocated by President Yoweri Museveni and cabinet for palm oil investment.

One million seedlings will be transplanted from the nurseries by December, according to the project coordinator, Ignatius Tumwesigye.

Tumwesigye said the project has so far recruited at least 200 casual labourers working on the one million nursery bed project.

The casual labourers are from 14 sub-counties neighbouring the project.

“We are currently employing people, especially women and youth attached to the nursery project,” he said.

He added that the project is spending over sh50m per month paying casual labourers to complete the initial nursery bed phase.

The Prime Minister, Robina Nabanja, said the government secured sh23b to compensate those affected.    

“The government will compensate about 760 affected people who were verified,” said Kyotera RDC Appolo Mugume.

Agnes Namusitwa, the Kyotera district council vice chairperson said the program is a blessing since it will create jobs, especially for the youth.

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