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Home Change Makers Epurpur Sorghum, Golden Opportunity For Farmers

Epurpur Sorghum, Golden Opportunity For Farmers

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Umar Nsubuga

For commercial farmers seeking a resilient and profitable crop, epurpur sorghum stands as a golden opportunity. Widely known for its adaptability to diverse climatic conditions and nutritional value, epurpur sorghum is gaining momentum as a staple and cash crop.

Its versatility extends from household consumption to industrial use in brewing, animal feed production, and even in baking.

Stephen Ayo, a seasoned commercial farmer from Junda in Luwero district, exemplifies how epurpur sorghum can transform livelihoods.

Ayo transitioned to cultivating this resilient crop after years of struggling with unpredictable weather patterns that impacted his maize and beans yields.

Today, he manages 2 acres dedicated to sorghum farming, utilising modern techniques like crop rotation. He sells to breweries, local millers, and wholesalers.

Beyond profits, Ayo shares his knowledge with fellow farmers, training them on sustainable practices. “Epurpur sorghum has not only improved my income but also strengthened my community’s food security,” Ayo says.

Epurpur sorghum thrives where other crops struggle. Its drought-tolerant nature makes it ideal for areas with inconsistent rainfall, a key advantage for regions like Luwero. According to Gideon Zakke, an agronomist, sorghum’s deep-root system allows it to access water in deeper soil layers, ensuring growth even during dry spells.

“This crop is a game-changer for farmers facing erratic weather patterns. With proper agronomic practices, it guarantees good yields and stable income,” Zakke explains.

Best practices

For farmers like Ayo, success with epurpur sorghum begins with the right seed selection. Ayo uses certified seeds sourced from reputable suppliers to ensure high germination rates and disease resistance.

“I plant my sorghum at the onset of the rainy season, spacing the seeds 10-15 cm apart in rows that are 30 cm apart. This ensures optimal growth and makes weeding easier,” Ayo narrates.

Zakke adds that soil preparation is crucial for achieving high yields. Farmers should plow the land thoroughly and incorporate organic matter to improve soil fertility.

Fertilisation and weed management

Sorghum requires minimal fertilisation compared to other cereal crops. Ayo applies compost and a small amount of nitrogen-based fertilizer to promote healthy growth.

“Keeping the field weed-free, especially during the first six weeks, is critical,” he advises. “Weeds compete for nutrients and water, which can drastically reduce yields.”

Zakke recommends manual weeding or the careful use of pre-emergent herbicides, ensuring that chemicals do not harm the crop.

Disease and pest control

Although resilient, epurpur sorghum can face challenges from pests like aphids and diseases such as leaf blight. Zakke encourages farmers to adopt integrated pest management (IPM) strategies, which include using resistant seed varieties, rotating crops, and applying eco-friendly pesticides when necessary.

“Monitoring your crop regularly allows for early detection and intervention, which prevents significant losses,” Zakke explains.

Maximising profits from epurpur sorghum

The true value of epurpur sorghum lies in its multiple uses. Ayo’s harvest is sold to breweries and local milling companies, which use sorghum as a key ingredient in beer and flour production. Additionally, he processes part of his harvest into sorghum flour, which fetches a premium price in local markets.

“I sell to breweries at sh1,200 per kilogramme and to milling companies at sh1,500 per kilogramme. By diversifying my markets, I ensure steady income throughout the year,” Ayo says.

Zakke emphasises the importance of understanding market demands. “Farmers need to identify and target high-paying buyers, such as breweries, while also exploring value addition, like producing flour or animal feed.”

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