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Home Agribusiness Bean farming: Boost Your Yields With Better Harvesting Methods

Bean farming: Boost Your Yields With Better Harvesting Methods

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Umar Nsubuga

Jennifer Tumushabe, a commercial bean farmer, emphasises that proper harvesting can make all the difference in ensuring quality, boosting yield, and maximising profits.

One of the most critical factors in harvesting beans, she explains, is timing.

“Harvesting too early or too late can drastically reduce the quality and quantity of beans,” Tumushabe says, noting that farmers must wait until the plants have fully matured. This typically happens when the leaves begin to yellow, and the pods turn dry and brittle.

“The ideal time to start harvesting is when about 80% of the pods are dry,” Tumushabe advises.

She warns that waiting too long beyond this point can lead to “shattering,” where the pods split open and beans fall to the ground, causing significant losses.

By focusing on the right timing and handling during harvest, farmers can ensure higher yields and maintain the quality needed for profitable markets, she adds.

Harvesting techniques

When it comes to the actual process of harvesting, Tumushabe stresses the need for care and precision.

“It’s important to handle the plants gently to avoid damaging the pods,” she explains.

Tumushabe recommends using hands or small garden tools to cut the stalks near the base, ensuring that the pods remain intact.

“Beans are delicate,” she adds. “Rough handling can lead to broken pods and damaged seeds, which ultimately affects the overall quality of your harvest.”

Once harvested, the bean plants are often laid out in the sun for additional drying. Tumushabe prefers spreading them on clean tarpaulins or raised platforms to prevent contamination.

“Drying is crucial because it reduces the moisture content of the beans, preventing mold and ensuring they can be stored for longer periods,” she says.

Proper drying and storage

Tumushabe emphasizes the importance of thorough drying to preserve the beans for both immediate sale and long-term storage.

“Beans should be dried until they have a moisture content of about 13%,” she explains.

 This can be measured using a moisture meter, but for small-scale farmers without access to such tools, Tumushabe offers a simple test.

“When you bite into a bean, it should be hard and break cleanly, not bend or feel soft,” she says

After drying, she says the beans should be threshed carefully.

Tumushabe advises against beating the pods harshly as it could damage the beans. Instead, she recommends gentle threshing, allowing the beans to fall out naturally without cracking.

Once threshed, beans should be cleaned and sorted to remove any damaged seeds, debris, or impurities.

Tumushabe stresses that high-quality beans fetch better prices in the market.

“Buyers are willing to pay more for clean, uniform beans, so it’s worth taking the time to sort them properly,” she notes.

Maximising profits through proper storage

To ensure that her beans maintain their quality and fetch premium prices, Tumushabe invests in proper storage facilities.

“Beans are best stored in cool, dry places, away from direct sunlight,” she explains.

She explains that using airtight containers or sacks treated with pesticides helps prevent infestations from weevils and other pests.

Tumushabe also points out that selling immediately after harvest might not always yield the best profits.

“Prices tend to be lower right after harvest because the market is flooded,” she says.

“If you can store your beans for a few months, you’ll often find that prices increase, allowing you to make a better profit.”

“Bean farming can be highly rewarding,” Tumushabe reflects, “but it requires attention to detail and a commitment to doing things right. If you harvest at the right time, dry the beans properly, and store them well, you can significantly increase your earnings.”

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