Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home Farming Tips Advantages Of Growing Napier Grass

Advantages Of Growing Napier Grass

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Jolly Kabirizi

·       Napier grass is a fast-growing, deeply rooted, perennial grass growing up to 4 meters tall (depending on the variety and management).

·       Napier grass produces high biomass dry matter yield (over 20 tons per hectare per year) and can be harvested more than 6 times in a year depending on: variety, soil fertility, climate and management.

  • Super Napier grass is amongst the fastest-growing fodder crops attaining a height of over 3 metres in just 60 days after planting.

·       It has good palatability and good nutrient content (10-18% protein) at early stages of growth.

  • Napier grass plants have a high leaf-to-stem ratio with 6–8 cm broad leaves.
  • Under good management and a favourable climate, 100-150 tons/ha/year of green succulent grass can be obtained from the Super Napier grass variety.

·       Napier grass produces very good silage when harvested at the right stage of growth.

·       It is widely used for soil and water conservation in hilly slope areas and can serve as a wind break.

·       Many farmers without animals produce Napier grass fodder (fresh or conserved) or planting materials (cuttings and splits) for sale to livestock farmers.

·       The grass is planted on marginal land and slopes to increase soil fertility and to reduce soil erosion

·       It is a good raw material for biofuel production.

·       It is an important tool in the integrated management of striga weed and stem borers of maize and sorghum due to its importance as a trap crop for these weeds and pests (“Push-pull” technology).


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