Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home Farming Tips How To Space Banana Plants For Better Yields

How To Space Banana Plants For Better Yields

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Vision Reporter

The recommended spacing is 3m between and 3m within the row. (3mx3m). Rows should be straight in flat fields to allow plants to receive maximum amount of sunlight.

Sloping rows should follow the contour lines to decrease soil erosion. Generally, plant in hole sizes ranging from 30-60cm deep and wide respectively.

For the size of the suckers, at the moment, sword suckers, maiden suckers and tissue-cultured suckers are most recommended.

A sword sucker should be between 30-100cms high, while a maiden sucker should be at least 2m high. But make sure that they are got from healthy mother plants.

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