Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home News Market Vendors Must Be Helped To Maintain Hygiene

Market Vendors Must Be Helped To Maintain Hygiene

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Joshua Kato

As the rainy season intensifies, most urban markets, whose floors are not cemented, are bound to get dirty.

Save for the reconstructed markets across the country, such as Wandegeya, Busega, Lira and Fort-Portal, most markets in Kampala and the country are still poorly arranged.

In Kampala, for example, Kalerwe, Bwaise, Natete and part of Nakawa market still have vendors selling agricultural produce on the bare ground.

So, even under the current rains and because the vendors do not have other alternatives, they still put the produce, including vegetables like tomatoes and eggplants on the dirty ground.

This is obviously not something to be proud of for a country that is aspiring to improve the quality of its produce.

It is important that market managers and the vendors find solutions for the wet season to prevent compromising the hygiene of the foods they are selling.

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