Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home Farming Tips Avoid Post-harvest Losses This Rainy Season

Avoid Post-harvest Losses This Rainy Season

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Umar Nsubuga

The rainy season has stabilised in most parts of the country. If not well stored, a farmer might incure looses. Below is how you can keep your harvest safe. 

-Cover dried produce to avoid exposure to moisture. Exposure may cause poor germination for grains you intend to plant in the next season.

-If challenged with storage space, sell off some of the produce to avoid losses.

-Constantly check the produce to make sure no weevil infestation takes place

-Apply anti-weevil powder. Ask your drug shop adviser or farmer leader what to do.

-Mix Tephrosia or other botanicals that have been established scientifically to keep weevil infestation at hay.

-If the produce is stored in traditional granaries, ensure that the granaries do not leak. Cover the top of the granaries with polyethene paper or spear grass cuttings.

-Paint the poles of the granary with anti-termite drugs. Ask your drug shop or farmer adviser for the right drug.

-Seek advice from post-harvest experts on how to store your grain.

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