Monday, September 16, 2024
Home Farming Tips How To Plant Mulberry And Set Up A Farm

How To Plant Mulberry And Set Up A Farm

by Jacquiline Nakandi

All one needs is to plant mulberry at the beginning of a rainy season because the mulberry plant can withstand all weather conditions.

And, as it grows, one does not need to buy new mulberry trees because they are propagated using cuttings.

A farmer needs 3,300 mulberry cuttings (four bags) per acre. They are planted with a spacing of 3ft by 3ft in the lines and 5ft between the lines.

A farmer will need 25kg of NPK or DAT fertiliser.

A farmer can harvest the mulberry from six months, but a well-established garden takes two years to mature. Since mulberry is a perennial plant, it can flourish for over 15 years.

However, the farmer needs to keep fertilising and adding manure on the plant, if they are to harvest more leaves to feed the silkworms.

When the farmer is ready to harvest the silk, they can sell fresh or dry cocoon.

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