Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home Farming Tips Uses And Limitations of Protein Blocks 

Uses And Limitations of Protein Blocks 

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Dr Jolly Kabirizi

  • Protein blocks are useful when dry standing feed, which is ‘reasonable’ in energy but low in protein, is abundant (more than 2.5 tons of dry matter per hectare). Intake of this feed is increased by block protein supplementation. 
  • Protein blocks can only maintain live weight or control live weight loss in breeders. 

The major limitations to blocks are as follows:  

  • If cattle are not ‘trained’ to eat or lick blocks, then intake across the mob can be uneven.   
  • Blocks are sometimes used for far too long (when dry feed quantity falls below 1 t dry matter per hectare).   
  • Blocks are not useful as energy

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