Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home Farming Tips How To Deal With Termites In Your Garden 

How To Deal With Termites In Your Garden 

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Umar Nsubuga

Alex Kyobe, a fumigator based in Kampala says termites are some of the major field pests in Uganda. 

They exist in two major types, those which build mounds (ant hills) above the soil surface and those which build underground.

Twaha Kakooza, a famous maize farmer in Kayunga district says various species of termites attack maize and damage it, particularly noticeable during dry seasons or in areas with erratic rainfall.

He says these termites destroy the roots and the base of the stem leading to lodging.

Kyobe says termites can be controlled by the use of cultural and chemical methods. Photos by Umar Nsubuga

According to Kakooza, the destruction continues even on fallen plants. In extreme cases, damage can lead to 100% yield loss especially if it occurs at an early stage.

Damage after physiological maturity will lead to grains of poor quality because, after lodging, cobs become exposed to contamination.

Kyobe says termites can be controlled by the use of cultural and chemical methods. Through cultural methods, colonies are identified, dug up and destroyed after the queen is brought out.

Once the queen is out, the termites will not multiply. Farmers should not leave trash in the garden because this will help provide alternative feed to the termites.

When chemicals are used, termites are killed. However, look out for the recommended insecticide to be used.

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