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Home News Bean Researchers Win 2023 Africa Food Prize 

Bean Researchers Win 2023 Africa Food Prize 

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Prossy Nandudu

PABRA was chosen from a field of 496 nominees from 47 countries by a preeminent panel of judges with experience and leadership in Africa agriculture.

The Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA) has been awarded the prestigious Africa Food Prize for 2023, in recognition of their leadership in the development of many bean varieties that improve farm productivity and profitability, and meet increasing consumer demand.

The announcement was made by Africa Food Prize Chairperson, former Tanzania President Jakaya Kikwete during the Africa Food Systems Summit (AGRF2023) held in Tanzania.

Kikwete said that PABRA has demonstrated dedication and commitment to improving nutrition and food security across Africa by harnessing the potential of beans, a vital source of plant-based proteins and micronutrients like iron and zinc among other essential nutrients.

PABRA was recognized for their tireless efforts in breeding new varieties and making them accessible to farmers across Africa. 

Their research and development efforts have generated multiple positive impacts on the lives of countless individuals, particularly in communities facing food insecurity and malnutrition,” said Kikwete.

To date, PABRA members have released over 650 improved bean varieties of diverse characteristics and these are grown by over 37 million smallholder farmers in Africa and consumed by more than 300 million people in Africa.

As a crop typically managed by women, PABRA beans enable more families to eat better and earn cash income while improving nutrition, health, and food security, he added.

Every year, the Africa Food Prize initiative calls for the nomination of outstanding individuals or institutions that are leading the effort to change the reality of farming in Africa.

“PABRA’s dedication to bean research and development and their remarkable impact on overcoming malnutrition through the development and improved bean varieties and complementary technologies are commendable. Their work aligns perfectly with the goals of the Africa Food Prize, and I am delighted to announce them as the 2023 laureates.”

The US $100,000 prize celebrates individuals and institutions that are taking control of Africa’s agriculture agenda. It puts a spotlight on bold initiatives and technical innovations that can be replicated across the continent to create a new era of food security and economic opportunity for all Africans.

In his acceptance speech, Jean Claude Rubyogo, the Global Bean Program Leader at the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT and PABRA Director expressed gratitude.

“This award is a testament to the hard work and commitment of the entire PABRA team, its members, including all the National Research institutes and their governments, implementing partners, funders and the smallholder farmers we serve.” Said Rubyogo.

Rubyogo added that PABRA empowers women throughout the bean value chain since they are the majority stakeholders in farming and trading and see this recognition as a win for women in agriculture and sustainable food systems.  

The Africa Food Prize is the preeminent annual award that recognizes outstanding individuals or institutions that are leading the effort to change the reality of farming in Africa.

The US $100,000 prize celebrates Africans who are taking control of Africa’s agriculture agenda. 

It puts a spotlight on bold initiatives and technical innovations that can be replicated across the continent to create a new era of food security and economic opportunity for all Africans.

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