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Home News Seasonal Rains Begin

Seasonal Rains Begin

by Wangah Wanyama

By Gerald Tenywa     

The Uganda National Meteorological Authority (UNMA) has predicted that parts of northern Uganda and eastern Uganda including Karamoja are going to receive significant amount of rain.

This is contained in UNMA’s 10-day weather forecast starting August 01-2023 and ending August 10, 2023.

The rainfall forecast for the first 10 days of August 2023 indicates a significant wet activity that is expected to be experienced in the most parts of Northern and Eastern Uganda including Karamoja subregion,” stated UNMA.

The statement added, “The districts located in the central and western Uganda are still forecasted to experience dry conditions with incidence of on and off light rains.”

The dry conditions over western and central Uganda will likely support drying of harvested crop produce, according to UNMA’s forecast.


Regarding temperatures, themaximum temperature forecast indicates that most parts of the country are likely to experience the temperatures in the range of 25 degrees Celsius to 30 degrees Celsius apart from Kaabong and Kigezi highlands which are expected to experience between 20 degrees Celsius to 24 degrees Celsius.

This has potential implication on evaporation rates leading to drier conditions. · The lowest temperatures of up to 80 degrees Celsius are forecasted to occur over the highlands of Rwenzori and Elgon while most districts located in the Southern cattle corridor, Central and Kigezi highlands are expected to experience minimum temperatures between 12 degrees Celsius and 16 degrees Celsius. The rest of the districts are expected to have 18 degrees Celsius to 20 degrees Celsius.

The dominant average daily temperatures ranging from 22 degrees Celsius to 24 degrees Celsius or more, are expected in West Nile, Acholi, Lake Kyoga basin and Karamoja sub region.

“Extremes are mostly expected in districts along the western rift valley,” stated UNMA.

The expected rainfall activity in the northern parts including Karamoja sub-region will likely support pasture growth.


 · Farmers in northern and eastern regions including Karamoja subregion are advised to start land preparation as they wait for the appropriate time of the season’s onset.

· The expected rains in the pastoral communities of Karamoja will result in improvement of foliage and pasture for livestock. Pasture preservation and management is encouraged.

· Monitor and report any emergence of crop pests, animal parasites, plant and animal diseases to technical staff at the sub county and district.

· Farmers are encouraged to practice proper post-harvest handling to avoid losses and lowering the quality of their produce.

· communities are encouraged to harvest Water to improve water availability for domestic use and small-scale irrigation.

· Drinking water should be boiled for the safety of life.

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