Friday, October 18, 2024
Home Farming Tips Nyabongo Uses Calliandra To Boost Milk Production

Nyabongo Uses Calliandra To Boost Milk Production

by Wangah Wanyama

By Umar Nsubuga

Samuel Nyabongo Kimoome, the proprietor of Kimoome Mixed Farm, has invested heavily in research to get to the top. He visited many farms and he has also attended trainings at different levels in Uganda and in the neighbouring countries, and has done research on pastures.

He says, he identifies calliandra, a multi-purpose tree, as a cheap source of protein for goats and cows.

Nyabongo says he carried out comparative studies and found that calliandra is more nutritious than other fodder tree legumes.

He says he owns over 10 acres, and he says he has discovered that the tree has a high protein content, which is not available in most grasses.

Lillian Rwomushana of Bibuye village, in Kyenjojo district has never regretted planting calliandra trees.

She says since he started feeding his cows and goats on the trees, they are healthy and milk production has increased.

Apart from increasing crop yields by between 40% and 60%, calliandra trees have increased our milk production by more than 50%. We used to get 20 litres from four cows a day, but now, we get 60 litres,” Rwomushana says.

According to Nyabongo, calliandra has small leguminous tree that attains a height of 1.7metres. “It grows well in most parts of Uganda, especially in areas with an annual rainfall of 1,000mm and non-acidic soils. Harvesting starts between four and six months depending on management”, he explains.

A seedling costs between sh500 and sh1,000, while a kilogramme of the seeds goes for between sh20,000 and sh25,000.

“Maximum fodder yields can be obtained if a row of calliandra is planted between three to four rows of elephant grass”, he says.

According to Nyabongo farmers can also plant the tree in single lines as hedge rows around elephant grass or around farms, with the spacing of 40cm by 50cm.

Dr Jolly Kabirizi says apart from being an excellent fodder for livestock, calliandra is a source of firewood, increases soil fertility and reduces run off.

She says the trees grow fast and sprout after cutting, which makes them easy to maintain.

Calliandra yields range from 0.8 to 3.3kg per tree, and L. leucocephala, at 15.4tha−1. also crude protein is 24% and 60 to 70 % digestibility.

Samuel Nyabongo in his calliandra garden

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