Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home News Milk Prices Soar In Kasese District

Milk Prices Soar In Kasese District

by Jacquiline Nakandi

By Rogers Sunday

The dry spell that hit Kasese has led to the scarcity of milk in the district. As a result, milk prices have doubled from sh1,500 to sh3,000 per litre.

The rise in milk prices has majorly been attributed to the shortage of water and pasture that has caused a decline in milk production.

Philip Bagonza, who operates a mini dairy plant in Kasese town, says the quantity of milk supplied by farmers has also reduced.

Previously, Bagonza adds, he has been receiving more than 150 litres of milk daily, but he now gets only between 60 and 100 liters.

“Currently, I’m not able to serve all my clients because the milk that I receive is less. Only a few that come early can buy milk,” Bagonza said on Wednesday.

Robert Muhwezi, another milk dealer, said dairy farmers have taken advantage of the low production to increase the prices, leaving dairy operators with no option.

“We used to buy a litre of milk at shillings 1,000 from the pastoralists, but the price has risen. As businessmen, we are also left with no option, but to also increase slightly,” Muhwezi said.

Christopher Bagonza, a pastoralist, has appealed to the Government to invest in the construction of valley dams in the district.

“Our livestock lacks what to drink during the dry season and ends up producing less milk. The Government should consider establishing valley dams to address this problem,” Bagonza said.

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