I have three acres of cassava which is ready for harvest and I won’t sell it. However, I have failed to get the right price. I am frustrated by the peanuts many traders from Kampala are willing to offer. Is there anyone out there who can help me to add value to it so that it can be more marketable in another form?
Answer: These are a few simple steps you can take to add value to your cassava;
- Harvest, sort, peel and wash cassava thoroughly well.
- Grate or make chips and dry thoroughly before the cassava ferments.
- Pound or grind and make flour out of the chips and pack well.
- The flour can be sold to bakeries or used to make cakes, doughnuts and break.
- High quality cassava can be used as raw material in animal feeds, or sold to industries that make glucose syrup, starch, glue, paperboards and plywood.