I am setting up a goat farm, can I buy my starter goats from the market in Kisenyi or Kalerwe? Joan
Answer: No. Most of the goats sold at the goat markets are written off by the farmers. Most goat farmers only sell ‘bad’ goats for slaughter. These are old or prone to abortions and males that cannot mount.
So if you buy them, they will only carry the same failures to your farm. However, if you want to be a successful goater, it is advisable to buy your stock from an established farm.
You must have records on the qualities of the goats you are buying and these include the mother/father, mothering/fathering abilities, diseases etc. There are now several good goat breeders in the country.
You cannot get these from a goat meat market. We have seen entire goat herds destroyed by random buying of goats from the market.