By Dr Taddeo Assimwe Barwogeza
- Interest in the piggery business and try to take advantage of economies of scale. Develop the skills and knowledge for proper management
- Committed human resource i.e. knowledgeable and committed employees
- Financial resources to sustain the feeding and drugs for treatment etc
- Good basic open housing with excellent ventilation
- Accessibility to technical support and local supplies i.e clean water and reliable feeds, etc
- Market infrastructure and a marketing plan. Consider joining or establishing a farmer working group
- Breed source: Aim for pigs with the greatest genetic potential.
Pig breeds available in Uganda:
Land race | White, Superior growth rate, high-quality carcass |
Large white | White, good mothering ability, large liters and fast growth rate |
Duroc | Dark brown, fast growth rate and good mothering ability. |
Hampshire | Black, meatiness, high-quality carcass and high meat yield |
Local pigs | Variety of colours, hardiness, adaptability and large litres |
Cambrough is the best-improved breed with excellent traits, but not yet common.
Considerations for selecting a good breed:
- Select a boar before it’s eight months of age. In the case of piglets; they should be 4-5 months.
- Pedigree records:
ü Should be from a family that produces more than 10 litres
ü Those whose previous siblings weighing more than 12 kgs at weaning (08 weeks).
ü The dam should have been of high reproductive performance, docile, with a good feed: conversion ratio, and having good mothering ability.
- Check health records for previous sicknesses and treatments, observing critically for frequencies.
- The piglet /pig should have a Long straight back with smooth shoulders,
- Should have deep thighs, strong bones with sound feet and legs able to hold its weight while mounting
- If females should have a minimum of 10-12 teats
- Should not have any body defects ie scrotal hernia, hermaphrodite
- If male should have well-developed testicles, well descended and of equal size.