The following can only be used as guidelines for disease control, However, for proper disease diagnosis and treatment, consult the veterinarian.
Don’t overcrowd brooders
Adequate ventilation
Feed must be of good quality
Give clean water ad-lib
Don’t mix young and older birds
Clean poultry house
Dispose of dead birds quickly and isolate sick ones
Provide disinfectant at entrance to house
NB: Antibiotics should never be used to replace good management and should be used on prescription by a veterinarian
All part of the egg will be dark except the egg with dead embryo will have at the broad end side where light from dark and light shades on candling the torch will pass
Economics of production
Usually 80% of hens are programmable i.e. 11 in this example
If each is given 17 selected eggs (11xl7 = 187 eggs)
Hatchability is usually 90% i.e. (11×15= 165 day old chicks)
3 to 5 hatchings are possible per bird though 7 hatchings are possible if birds sit on the eggs consecutively.(You must provide adequate water and feed)
Remember to change water frequently
Therefore with 14 birds, a farmer may hatch (4×165) =495 to (5×165) = 825 chicks with possibility of 1159 chicks if seven hatches are attained per year.
General Disease control Practices
The following can only be used as guidelines for disease control, for proper disease diagnosis and treatment, consult the veterinarian.
Don’t overcrowd brooders
Adequate ventilation
Feed must be of good quality
Give clean water ad-lib
Don’t mix young and older birds
Clean poultry house
Dispose of dead birds quickly and isolate sick ones
Provide disinfectant at entrance to house
Signs of ill health
Reduced feed intake
Reduced water intake.
Low egg production
Reduced growth rate
Rouch coat
Record keeping
It should include:
Production data eg number of eggs produced
Amount of food eaten.
Health interventions eg treatment
Sales and purchases
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