Mushrooms are a regular commodity in most supermarkets around the country. They have been grown since the 18th century in various countries.
Deborah Gitta, a farmer in Mpererwe, Kampala, says a mushroom garden will consist of materials like plastic bags that are filled with cotton husks (it may practically be cotton wool) or sorghum husks, wheat straws and timber waste in which you will plant the mushroom seeds.
Dipping the cotton wool in hot water first helps to kill any pests in it and then it can be cooled.
She says to add nutrients for your growing mushrooms; you will have the husks mixed with maize bran.
-Add mushroom seeds into the well-mixed waste product.
-You will need to put some holes in the polythene bags in order for the mushrooms to protrude out as they grow. These will also be very handy as you add water.
– After this, tie the top of the polythene bag, hang it in a dark room or place. It is important to avoid too much heat in the room as it affects the mushrooms.
– For every one bag of waste mixture, you will be able to harvest mushrooms for about three months after the initial harvest that comes after 14 days.
Benefits of eating mushrooms
According to Samson Kiseeka a nutritionist, the health benefits of mushrooms include relief from high cholesterol levels, breast cancer, prostate cancer and diabetes.
It also helps in weight loss, and boosts the immune system.
– Mushrooms have very low calories. It is good for weight loss.
– Helps in fighting diseases like hypertension, cancer, headache and migraine among others.
– Helps in maintaining a healthy metabolism and strengthening veins and relaxing tendons
The Nutrients
Vitamins; vitamin B-complex
-Vitamin D and Vitamin E
-Mineral salts (iron, zinc, copper, selenium and potassium.
-Natural anti-oxidants